Biological Faculty

Biological Faculty

Kondratenko, Elena Igorevna

D.Sc. in Biology, Full Professor – Dean



There are various profiles within the specialization “Biology” at your Faculty. Is it necessary to choose a profile since the very beginning of studies or could I choose it later? And what profile would you advise, as the Dean?

We have such profiles as Genetics, Bioengineering & Biotechnology, Aquaculture, and Ecology. Each of them implies profound studies of the corresponding biological knowledge.

Each profile is quite popular among our students. After covering the first year of their studies, our students may choose the profile that interests them most. You don’t have to decide which profile to choose when you’re only signing up for the specialization “Biology”: you’re admitted to the single specialization to obtain the qualification “Biologist” upon your graduation. Profiles are those particular fields that make it possible for you not only to get profound knowledge in this or that field of modern Biology, but also to be involved in research activities right since your 2nd year of studies and carry out a research project. As a rule, our students can decide which profile to choose by the beginning of their 2nd year of studies.

I wouldn’t advise you on a particular profile, let it be your choice! We’re looking forward to seeing you at our Faculty, we wish you to make the right choice!

Where can a young specialist in Soil Science work after their graduation?

A specialist in Soil Science can work with research and projecting institutes that operate in the field of agriculture, ecology and environmental protection, or natural resources. They can work with any other organization whose activities are related to application of soils for hydrotechnical construction, or erection of industrial, transportation, or domestic facilities; they may find a job at mining or oil-and-gas prospecting and recovering enterprises. They may also join the staff of research institutes of national academies of sciences.

What do everyday activities of a specialist in Soil Science include?

A specialist in Soil Science researches soils and soil covering; they make up soil, agrochemical, and ecological maps, cartograms, and schematic maps; they research elemental and substance composition, physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils to control soil processes and provide rational application of soil resources. They also undertake soil ecological monitoring and carry out soil ecological expertise; they develop soil-protecting and meliorative activities, as well as the theory and practice of soil appraisal and composition of land cadasters.

How high is demand for young specialists in Soil Science at land cadaster and land administration public organizations?

Since Soil Science was recognized as a special science (the middle 20th century), the profession of a soil scientist was not that widespread: only six Russian universities (including Lomonosov Moscow State University) train such specialists now. This profession is becoming more and more popular. Specialists in Soil Science are demanded at land cadaster organizations, at various ecological institutions, at agricultural enterprises, etc. Demand for such specialists is definitely high, and they can expect to receive quite a worthy salary.

Are young specialists in Soil Science, who graduated from Astrakhan State University, satisfied with their education?

“I graduated from the Biological Faculty of Astrakhan State University in 2014. Soil Science was my specialty. Since my childhood, I liked to watch the nature; I loved hiking trips that our schoolteachers arranged for us. Yet, I began to treat Biology in earnest only when I was 14. I learnt how fragile natural beauty is and how much depends on human activities. My schoolteacher of Biology, thanks to whom I realized how interesting this science is, helped me carry out researches and take part in ecological conferences and competitions…

I learnt about the specialty “Soil Science” in July 2009, when my Mom and I came to the University to apply for studies. I remember how enthusiastic I was when I asked the Secretary of the Admission Commission numerous questions what Soil Science is, what students study and how they study that. The answers she gave me helped me make the right choice.

That’s how my student life began. Field practices are especially memorable for me. I went to Central Russia and to the Northern Caucasus; we learnt to determine types of soils and describe plant associations. Our professors always helped us; they shared their unique experience of field researches. Oh, how splendid the nature is where our field researches took place!

My specialization profile was Soil Ecology. We were told about procedures to assess damage caused by various types of pollution, about the relevant legislation and soil appraisal, and about regulation of the anthropogenic effect. We learnt how to calculate the cadaster value of land, how to apply modern methods of bioindication and biotesting.

Our practical training was the most important thing. We were trained at organizations that regulate land-related issues, whose activities include cadaster assessment, preparation of construction engineering documents, and development of technical procedure rules.

Now I work with the local Cadaster Chamber; I’m sure my career will be successful, and I’m so grateful to my university professors”.

Svetlana Ivanova

“In my opinion, one of the main advantages to study Soil Science at Astrakhan State University is fundamental knowledge in Chemistry, in Botany, in Zoology, in Geography, and in Physics that we are taught there”.

Gulmira Zhalieva

Последнее редактирование: 04-12-2018, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович