Faculty of Foreign Languages

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Emelyanova, Nadezhda Alexandrovna
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor – Dean


What are requirements towards students who wish to take part in an academic mobility program?

Particular selection criteria depend on a particular program of academic mobility. There such general requirements towards any student as:

  • A good knowledge of a foreign language;

  • Good results of their studies and good marks;

  • A recommendation provided by their research supervisor, or by our Faculty, or by one of our Chairs.

What international student exchange programs are available at Astrakhan State University?

Our students take part in exchange programs with the following universities:

  • The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy);

  • The University of Perugia (Italy);

  • The University of Provence Aix-Marseille (France);

  • Sakarya University (Turkey);

  • Sichuan University (Chengdu, China);

  • Hainan University (China);

  • The University of Guilan (Iran);

  • Kanagawa University (Japan).

An international exchange program lasts from two months to one year.

Do students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages study in the morning or in the afternoon?

We usually begin at 08.30 a.m., but sometimes classes may begin at 10.10 a.m. or at 11.50 a.m.

If I learnt English and wish to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages, is it possible for me to study another foreign language or two other foreign languages? What language combinations are available in 2015?

If you wish to start covering the specialization “Pedagogical Education”, you may choose English, French, Farsi, Turkish, or Chinese. It means that if you studied English, you may choose another language to study since your 1st year of studies, and then you may choose one more language to study since your 2nd year.

If you wish to start covering the specialization “Linguistics”, there’s another set of available language combinations: English, German, Japanese, and Italian. Once you’ve completed half a year of studies, you may start learning one more language.

How many classes do your students usually have a day?

2 or 3 classes 1.5 hours each; sometimes 4 classes.

Is distance education available at the Faculty of Foreign Languages?

Only two forms of studies are available at our Faculty: full-time or part-time education. We have no distance educational programs, as language studies require a regular “live” communication.

Последнее редактирование: 04-12-2018, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович