ASU Holder of Presidential Grant Shares His Best Practices with Colleagues

ASU Holder of Presidential Grant Shares His Best Practices with Colleagues

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the RF Presidential Grants Foundation is holding a competition for state support of young scientists (candidates and doctors of sciences) for 2021-2022 from September 9 to October 13.

Astrakhan State University has positive experience of participating in presidential grant competitions. In 2018, a research team of our university, headed by senior researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social, Political and Cultural Dynamics of Lower Volga & Caspian Sea Region, Candidate of Political Sciences Mikhail Topchiev, won a grant in Social Sciences and Humanities.

The scientist says that, first of all, if a team wants to win the competition, their research priorities must coincide with the ones of the foundation.

“We believe that the council experts are also interested in a well-elaborated application with a clear objective and methods for implementation, a strong research team, operational strategy and commitment to results. The project must be relevant, meet the needs of the modern Humanities and have prospects for further growth,” says Mikhail Topchiev.

Read our new longread to learn other tips from the presidential grant holder.

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