Konstantin Markelov Answers Key Questions of ASU First-Year Students

Konstantin Markelov Answers Key Questions of ASU First-Year Students

The Cultural Centre of Astrakhan State University has held a traditional meeting of the rector with the youngest students of ASU. They learnt more about the projects and hobby clubs of the university and about organization of the educational process.

Welcoming the audience, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov stressed that the studentship is the very beginning of the path to future life advances.

Konstantin Markelov shared five main rules of the ASU student with the freshers:

  • To study and to broaden their borders, taking every opportunity, offered by the university;
  • To move ahead and never stop;
  • Not to be afraid of experiments;
  • To benefit from life and leisure (to practice sports, arts, etc.);
  • To be open for meeting new people.

Then Konstantin Markelov answered student’s urgent questions, sent by them in the ASU messenger chats.

The first-year students learnt about the university’s partners, academic mobility programmes, foreign traineeships, creative and scientific projects at university and ASU development plans for the coming years.

At the meeting, the rector also awarded the most active members of the ASU student clubs with letters of gratitude and certificates.

At the end of the meeting, Konstantin Markelov traditionally handed 100-Point symbol to the freshers as a sign of the absolute guarantee of success in their studies.

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