ASU Will Help Ikryaninsky District Schoolchildren Apply for Engineering Majors

ASU Will Help Ikryaninsky District Schoolchildren Apply for Engineering Majors

On September 18, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov had a business visit to the Krasnye Barrikady Secondary Comprehensive School. The university’s delegation included Vice Rector for Academic Activities Aleksandr Treshchev, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Technologies Nikolay Vybornov and Head of the Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, as well as Head of the Educational Experimental Facility Mikhail Anishko.

At the meeting, the colleagues discussed the most pressing issues, related to enrollment of prospective students in the next academic year.

Rector Konstantin Markelov expressed his concern about the HR outflow to other regions.

Konstantin Markelov also explained that programmes and majors that are now being launched at university meet the needs of large regional enterprises. Besides, the head of Astrakhan State University told the audience about a significant number of partner universities, both Russian and foreign ones, with which ASU has agreements on academic mobility programmes.

Speaking about the ASU units that help schoolchildren and teachers master new interesting programmes, Vice Rector for Academic Activities Aleksandr Treshchev urged the teaching staff of rural educational institutions to establish fruitful cooperation with the university.

Head of the Ikryaninsky District Natalia Butuzova expressed the readiness to cooperate with Astrakhan State University, as the district needs engineering HR a lot, including for Krasnye Barrikady shipbuilding yard.

The visit resulted in an agreement on creating an engineering class at the Krasnye Barrikady Secondary Comprehensive School, which will also be open for schoolchildren from the Ikryanoe, Ilyinka and Bakhtemir villages.

Directorate of Information Policy