Rector Awards Professors of Astrakhan State University

Rector Awards Professors of Astrakhan State University

The first post-lockdown official awarding ceremony was held by Konstantin Markelov during another meeting of the ASU Academic Council.

Professors Leonid Podvoysky and Tatiana Vorontsova received Astrakhan Governor Badges of Honour “For Professional Merits”.

Oksana Mineva and Gennady Zhuravlev were awarded with certificates of merit from the Astrakhan governor for their achievements in the long-term dedicated work in the sphere of education and high professionalism, while Azatulla Dzhalmykhambetov received a letter of gratitude from the Astrakhan governor.

Iraida Sorokina and Svetlana Ishkova were awarded certificates of merit from the Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan region for their long-term dedicated work in the sphere of education and high professionalism.

Nikolay Vybornov was acknowledged for his fruitful work and great personal contribution to activities on examination, support (military and vocational guidance) and selection of candidates for the military service in the scientific troop of the Military Academy.

The State Employment Office of the Volodarky District awarded ASU with a letter of gratitude for joint active work on organization of vocational guidance of Volodarksy district schoolchildren.

Besides, a large group of professors and students of the university were acknowledged by the head of the municipal entity “Enotaevsky District” for their support, cooperation and business approach in organization and holding of youth forum “If Not Us, Who?”

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