ASU Scientist Presents University’s Project at Competition of Russia’s EMERCOM Small Vessel State Inspection

ASU Scientist Presents University’s Project at Competition of Russia’s EMERCOM Small Vessel State Inspection

An exhibition of the latest models of rescue and fire-fighting equipment took place on September 30 as part of the official opening of the 23th All-Russia Motor-Boating Sports Championship among teams of the Russia’s EMERCOM State Inspection for Small Vessels. Head of the ASU Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov presented a hovercraft at the exhibition.

At the exhibition, Hovercraft ÑÂÏ-420 was shown, among other visitors, to RF Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation — Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Inspection, Lieutenant General of Internal Services Anatoly Suprunovsky and to Deputy Head of the Astrakhan government Mikhail Bogomolov.

Aleksey Tytov told the visitors about the potential of using this equipment in emergencies and for disaster control and stressed the necessity of forming a concept of mobile evacuation and rescue of people with the use of amphibious equipment in Russia.

Besides, ASU keeps working on constructing model ÑÂÏ-550 (“Water Taxi”). The project has been developed by Director of the university’s engineering centre Akim Pavlov.

The exhibit of Astrakhan State University, located at the outdoor premises of the Opera & Ballet Theatre, was also attended by Astrakhan schoolchildren. They could have a look at and take photos of Hovercraft ÑÂÏ-420 and learn about the specificity of its operation.

Engineering Project Office

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy