A New Engineering Centre Will Be Created at ASU

A New Engineering Centre Will Be Created at ASU

Last week, Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov took part in a meeting of consortium “Shipbuilding and Marine Facilities”. The meeting participants discussed a project on creating a digital engineering meta-centre of the professional community “MariNet” and “TechNet” of the Volga-Caspian region at ASU. The programme of its development was presented by Head of the Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov.

The draft programme is the main part of the university’s application for the competition on creation and development of engineering centres on the priority areas of the Russian industrial development.

The main areas of the centre’s activities will be:

  • civil shipbuilding;
  • additive technology and industrial robotic engineering;
  • design of innovative agricultural facilities and equipment.

Creation of a region-wide engineering centre will allow to implement pilot technological and innovative projects with testing activities in the Caspian sea.

The engineering centre will function according to the logic of the MariNet and TechNet roadmaps, ensure implementation of promising projects and put innovative solutions into action.

The engineering centre will become an infrastructure base for works and services in the sphere of non-destructive and destructive testing and a centre of best practices for training welding specialists and their certification according to the requirements of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the National Agency of NDT and Welding for shipbuilding enterprises of the region.

Engineering Project Office