Foreign Universities Share Their Experience of Transport Infrastructure Development with ASU

Foreign Universities Share Their Experience of Transport Infrastructure Development with ASU

Results of international scientific and applied conference “Tendencies of Development of Transport & Logistics System under Conditions of Digital Transformation”, held on November 19-20 online, have been summed up. The programme committee was co-chaired by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov.

The second day of the meeting included reports by speakers from Austria, China and Tanzania. The participants spoke about the development of transport infrastructure and logistics, current challenges and prospects of this sphere in their regions.

For example, in his report The New Silk Road: Chances and Risks for MNEs, Hannes Meissner, a senior researcher in the Competence Center for Black Sea Region Studies of the University of the Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, described the research results within STRATOS project, dedicated to the importance of political risk management at EU enterprises.

Zhao Weili, a Ph.D. student of the Southern Federal University and Henan University of Economics and Law, told the audience about challenges and measures within the context of developing a system of smart logistics in China.

A report on the trends in the formation of transport and logistics infrastructure in Tanzania was presented by Master’s degree student of the Southern Federal University Elias John Masanja.

The conference was organized jointly with the Southern Federal University in accordance with the action plan of the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions. The Southern Federal University is going to publish conference proceedings, which will be included into the Russian Science Citation Index, upon results of the meeting.

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