ASU Will Teach English for Sailors

ASU Will Teach English for Sailors

Astrakhan State University has approved new additional general programme “Foreign Language (English) for Sailors”, aimed at ensuring language proficiency for professional and business communication during long voyages.

In the modern world, foreign language proficiency is a necessary condition for being successful and competitive in any professional activity. For sailors, a high level of their command of English enables international cargo traffic, trade and professional communication with people of different nationalities.

In order to meet the professionals’ need for developing the skills of business and professional communication in English during long voyages and to ensure sailors’ domain of the most frequent linguistic means within Elementary-Pre-Intermediate level topics, the university developed additional general programme “Foreign Language (English) for Sailors”.

The peculiarity of the course, developed under the guidance of Director of the ASU Academy of Foreign Languages Ekaterina Vokhromeeva, is integration of communication and functional-activity approaches in studying a foreign language, which allows the attendees to make grammatically correct phrases when speaking freely.

Department of Continuing Education