ASU Ph.D. Candidate Tells Her Colleagues about Sufi Traditions in Russian Literature

ASU Ph.D. Candidate Tells Her Colleagues about Sufi Traditions in Russian Literature

In late December, Baku Slavic University (Baku, Azerbaijan) held international scientific and applied conference “Philological Sciences in the Context of Innovative Research”.

The online forum was organized by the Faculty of Philology & Foreign Language Teachers and the Pedagogical Faculty represented by its Dean, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Full Professor and Chief Editor of journal Russian Language and Literature in Azerbaijan Flora Nadzhi.

The scientific scope of the conference is quite wide — philological sciences, foreign languages, methods for their teaching, pedagogical and psychological sciences. The online event involved scientists from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other countries.

Astrakhan State University was represented by Ph.D. Candidate of the Department of Literature Tatiana Diachenko. Her report focused on dynamics of the development of Sufi philosophy in the Russian poetry on the cusp of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism