ASU Opens University of the Third Age

ASU Opens University of the Third Age

In 2020, Astrakhan State University took part for the first time in the educational initiative, implemented by the regional Employment Agency within the framework of federal project “Demography”. Thanks to this project, 70 of our third-age fellow-countrymen have studied in programmes of advanced training and professional retraining, offered by ASU for participation in the project.

Programmes of the University of the Third Age (U3A) provide conditions for creative and professional development of its students, improve the quality of their lives, allow elderly people to make every day of their lives more entertaining and interesting, learn something new and make friends. Studying in U3A programmes, they also upgrade their computer literacy skills, learn about functions of social media and devices, gain skills of working with e-communication means and learn how to navigate the information space.

ASU also runs its own University of the Third Age. For its U3A students, Astrakhan State University has developed programmes, aimed at improving financial and legal literacy and computer skills, learning foreign languages and increasing language proficiency, comprehending developmental psychology, improving health, cultivating healthy lifestyle, learning about the culture of the hometown and developing creativity.

Department of Continuing Education