ASU Conveys Its Idea of Kindness

ASU Conveys Its Idea of Kindness

Visions of Kindness, an art work contest under the aegis of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs, has been launched. It is organized by the Jewish Museum & Tolerance Center. Our region is being represented by students and professors of the Faculty of Architecture & Design and Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture of Astrakhan State University and of the Astrakhan Art School named after P.A. Vlasov.

The project coordinators decided not to introduce any rules or requirements for the content, so everyone decides for themselves what kindness means to them and how it should be expressed towards people around. It really made the task harder for the entrants — they are to create their own image so that everyone can comprehend it.

Works of the contest participants will be displayed at a prestigious multimedia exhibition, aimed at reminding of the necessity of the cultural dialogue between countries, peaceful coexistence, integration and sustainability. 14 entrants from Astrakhan will compete for the main prize.

Besides, the Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs will choose an additional special winner.