Representatives of Caspian Countries Discuss Issues of Support for Young Scientists under the Auspices of ASU UNESCO Chair

Representatives of Caspian Countries Discuss Issues of Support for Young Scientists under the Auspices of ASU UNESCO Chair

The youth session has brought together colleagues from Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Russia. The speakers analyzed current scientific topics and shared plans for further development.

Event “Scientific and Technical Cooperation of Young Scientists of Caspian Region: Sustainable Development Prospects” has been held within the framework of international festival of children’s and youth scientific and technical creativity “Clear Prop!” under support of the ASU UNESCO Chair. The session was moderated by Rector of Astrakhan State University, Head of the UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Konstantin Markelov. A few speakers took part in the meeting online.

Opening the session, Konstantin Markelov emphasized that the participants were to offer options for supporting young scientists of the Caspian region and opportunities for putting their developments into practice.

The discussion participants supported the ideas on creation of new educational centres, consortia and associations together with leading universities, both of the neighboring states and in a wider geographical context.

All speakers noted the importance of social and material support for young scientists, which helps reveal talented researchers and implement their projects, as well as international cooperation between universities, which allows to intensify the exchange of experience and ideas.

During the youth session, questions were raised about how to become part of the global scientific community, how to create attractive conditions for young minds and how to commercialize their projects.

At the end of the meeting, Konstantin Markelov addressed his colleagues with a proposal to keep discussing the issues at hand on other platforms too.

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations

Photo: Ruslan Shamukov (TASS)