ASU Keeps Implementing Students’ Virtual Mobility Project

ASU Keeps Implementing Students’ Virtual Mobility Project

Experience of developing and introducing online courses into the educational process on the example of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture has been considered at another meeting of the Educational & Methodological Council of Astrakhan State University.

Olga Sergeeva, Head of the Centre of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education „Teacher of the Future“, reminded the audience that project „Increasing Virtual Mobility of Pedagogical Students through Modeling and Introducing Online Courses „Pedagogical Lesson Design“ into Educational Process of University“ gained grant support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia in 2020.

The course, which is being implemented at the Teacher of the Future Centre, was developed by professors and scientists of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture.

Olga Sergeeva spoke about the structure of the course, the project partners, implementation timeline, specificity of interaction with other universities and of online content. With a large number of questions asked, it was clear the audience got interested in the information, presented by the speaker.

The work on the project will continue this semester.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture