ASU Takes Part in Work of UNESCO Chairs Coordinating Committee

ASU Takes Part in Work of UNESCO Chairs Coordinating Committee

The event agenda included a discussion on the applications, submitted for establishment of UNESCO Chairs in a number of higher educational institutions in Russia, upcoming scientific events, and the progress of the programmes implemintation.

Astrakhan State University was represented at the online meeting by Rector and Head of the ASU UNESCO Chair Konstantin Markelov, Head of the Department of UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Irina Tarasova, and Head of the Department for the Development of Sociocultural and Educational Projects Elena Maksimova.

At the meeting, members of the Coordinating Committee considered the applications for establishment of UNESCO Chairs in Russian universities and discussed the issues “On Preparations for the World Conference on Higher Education (Barcelona, ​​2021)” and “On the UNESCO-Based Development of Russian-Indian Cooperation” according to the agenda.

They also discussed some issues of science and world higher education and the implementation of the UNITWIN / UNESCO programme.

Taking this opportunity, the ASU rector invited his colleagues to take part in the upcoming scientific forum “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, which is being held from 26 to 28 May at Astrakhan State University.

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