Scientist of Astrakhan State University Explores Caves in Vietnam

Scientist of Astrakhan State University Explores Caves in Vietnam

Ilya Golovachev, Associate Professor of the Department of Wellsite Geology, Hydrogeology & Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils of the ASU Faculty of Geology & Geography, is taking part in a paleontological expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the province of Thanh H?a.

The Astrakhan researcher joined the expeditionary group of the Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. The work is being carried out within the framework of the scientific research programme of the Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research & Technological Center.

The expedition mission is to collect and study the Late Pleistocene fauna in the karst caves of North Vietnam.

Ilya Golovachev was invited to participate in the expedition as a speleologist, geologist and specialist in cave sediments, and to solve a number of stratigraphic tasks.

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities

Photo: cortesy of Ilya Golovachev