ASU PR Students Speak at Conference in Stavropol

ASU PR Students Speak at Conference in Stavropol

Graduating students of major “Advertising and Public Relations” presented the results of their research at international scientific and applied conference “Media Readings at NCFU: View of Young Researchers”.

The event, which took place at the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), aimed to create a youth platform for discussing the results of scientific research and improving the quality of students’ research work.

Anna Makarova, a fourth-year student of the ASU Law Faculty, presented the main conclusions of her study on the images of special-need people in modern advertising, and her group mate Aleksandra Yakunina spoke about the specificity of promoting media products of the Korean wave. Experts assessed the relevance and scientific novelty of the works of the Astrakhan State University students and wished them success in further development of research projects.

The conference proceedings will be published in RSCI-registered collection “Media Research of NCFU: View of Young Researchers”.

Law Faculty