Astrakhan State University Students Monitor Unified State Examination Quality

Astrakhan State University Students Monitor Unified State Examination Quality

The federal situation and information centers of the Russian Youth Union on online monitoring of the unified state examination have started their work. Now about 60 students of ASU are taking part in project “Corps of Public Observers” of the Russian Union of Youth.

This year, federal public observers from Astrakhan are working in the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian Republics.

Astrakhan State University is also one of the universities running a situation and information center, where ASU students are online observers.

For reference:

Since 2014, the Russian Youth Union and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science have been implementing a project to monitor the state final certification for educational programmes of basic general and secondary general education in terms of the volunteer activities of independent public observers in order to ensure unbiased assessment of the state final certification in Russia.

Observers are recruited annually since January. Any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 18 and has successfully completed training, final test and accreditation can become a volunteer.

Currently, the Corps of Public Observers consists of trained social activists who are ready not only to monitor the unified state examination, but also to act as independent observers at elections, or in the preparation of independent rankings.

Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development