ASU Representative Shares Her Experience in Scientific HR Evaluation

ASU Representative Shares Her Experience in Scientific HR Evaluation

The Chechen State University has held scientific and practical seminar “Topical Issues of Development of the System for State Certification of Scientific and Academic Workers”, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The event was attended by Head of the Department for Training and Certification of Scientific HR of Astrakhan State University Ekaterina Davydova.

The speakers shared the latest information about the changes occurred in the legal regulation of the system of state certification of scientific personnel with the audience. The discussion participants touched upon the issues of modernization of the state certification system and the features of the functioning of dissertation councils.

At the end of the event, Rector of the Chechen State University Zaurbek Saidov emphasized that such meetings contribute to the consolidation of the scientific and pedagogical community, the updating of information and the introduction of important methodological recommendations in the activities aimed at the development of national science and education.

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities