World-Class University Campus May Appear in Astrakhan

World-Class University Campus May Appear in Astrakhan

The administration of the region has sent an application for participation in a competition of projects on creating modern campuses. The initiative was approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation this May as part of the Days of Astrakhan Region.

To address interstate and regional issues of the region, it is necessary to conduct world-class research activities, to have a technopark, a unique instrument base, comfortable living conditions for young researchers and invited leading scientists, as well as a platform for large-scale forums and exhibitions.

According to Governor of the region Igor Babushkin, this will be facilitated by creation of an interuniversity campus, aimed at education, innovation and an impact on the development and prestige of the whole city.

Constructing a campus of this level will allow Astrakhan to host the most important international events for the country and the region, increasing the importance of Astrakhan Region at the global stage. Conducting business forums on topical issues of development of the Caspian countries will provide an opportunity to attract leading foreign and Russian scientists to the city and increase the number of jobs for young specialists.

Modern academic buildings, innovative laboratories and research centers, sports and cultural and entertainment complexes, a technopark, as well as spacious dormitories and living areas for faculty and university guests — all this will function as a single organism under proper technological control.

Creating an interuniversity platform determines the global goal of the long-term socioeconomic development of Astrakhan Region — to create a key region in Southern Russia with a stable and competitive advanced economy through the development of human capital, production systems and international cooperation.

The project was developed in accordance with the master plan for the development of the Astrakhan agglomeration.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations