ASU Students Successfully Completed Online Training Course At Japanese University

ASU Students Successfully Completed Online Training Course At Japanese University

The KU-EOL Spring 2021 programme, organized by Kansai University, Japan, for students of partner higher education institutions, is over. Within the framework of the project, students were invited to choose the course they liked, and, using a special training platform, they attended classes once a week.

The topics of the courses, delivered by foreign lecturers, varied from business and IT to Japanese pop culture and gender studies. Lectures and seminars were held in English, which allowed students not only to improve the level of knowledge in the area of ​​interest but also to improve their foreign language skills.

The programme was attended by students of Astrakhan State University studying at the Faculty of Social Communications, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Digital Technologies & Cybersecurity, and the Law Faculty. A distinctive feature of the sessions was a large number of discussions. The lecturers constantly provided the audience with the opportunity to participate in the discussion and express their opinion in the process of live communication.

Center for Russian-Asian Cooperation