Students’ Project Activities Are Discussed at Astrakhan State University

Students’ Project Activities Are Discussed at Astrakhan State University

The first meeting in the new academic year between the employees of the ASU Department of Community Development and Promotion of Initiatives and certified mentors has been held online.

The main issue on the agenda was organization and planning of project activities at university, creation of conditions for increasing the creative activity of students and opportunities for the individualization of education.

At the meeting, Nuria Zinalieva, Head of the Center of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support, noted that for the practical use of the project method in the educational process, it is necessary, along with understanding its essence, to formulate important requirements for the organization of students’ project activities in a higher educational institution. For example, a compulsory study of course “Fundamentals of Project Activities” should be carried out through conducting lectures, seminars and supporting events.

The mentors also addressed the issues on popularization of project activities among young people, cooperation with the Student Psychological Service and the United Council of Students of Astrakhan State University, and holding joint events. In addition, the participants also discussed the support of students during the autumn educational intensive of the University 20.35.

Center of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support