ASU Scientific Projects Are Exhibited at 6th Caspian Media Forum

ASU Scientific Projects Are Exhibited at 6th Caspian Media Forum

An ethnocultural exhibition at the Astrakhan Theatre of Opera and Ballet was organized by the Caspian-Eurasia Center for International and Sociopolitical Research with the informational support of the Astrakhan government.

The main topic of the forum and exhibition is tourism and ethnocultural communications in the media space. Various organizations demonstrated relevant projects dedicated to information, cultural and scientific cooperation between Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan.

Students and employees of Astrakhan State University demonstrated a number of interesting scientific projects:

  • geological and ethnographic festival “Connect with the Origins”;
  • maritime multipurpose unmanned platform;
  • hovercraft;
  • submersible robot;
  • agrodron;
  • “Traveling across the Astrakhan styles”.

A separate exhibition area was dedicated to the culture and arts of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and some African countries. Foreign students of ASU, representatives of communities gained experience of communication with media experts, media workers of the Caspian countries and other visitors of the exhibition.

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities