ASU Representatives Take Part in the 6th Caspian Media Forum

ASU Representatives Take Part in the 6th Caspian Media Forum

Rector Konstantin Markelov attended the plenary session, and journalism students engaged in a dialogue with senior colleagues within the Travel Journalism in the Digital Age discussion panel.

The speakers of the platform were representatives of Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan: Rector of the TV and Radio Academy of Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC Faik Gusiev, observer of EuroMedia international holding Aleksandr Pokatilov, Vice-Rector of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications Nozima Muratova, Head and Editor-in-Chief of TOPPRESS news agency Yerzhan Bagdatov, programming director of the Khabar 24 TV channel Maksat Urgenshbayev and Head of the World of Eurasia social foundation Eduard Poletaev.

Media workers from the Caspian countries, media experts and students could ask questions to the speakers.

The platform participants discussed rural tourism as one of the popular areas in travel journalism and came to the conclusion that the ways of creating content are changing very quickly, and you need to keep track of them in order to remain relevant.

The participants of the media forum unanimously considered the initiative to build an interuniversity student campus in Astrakhan as the most important project for strengthening ties between the border areas of Russia and neighboring countries, promoting economic and humanitarian contacts, and developing the infrastructure of the Caspian countries.

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