ASU Teaches Digital Financial Literacy

ASU Teaches Digital Financial Literacy

It has been the first interactive lecture of a series of activities aimed at creating conditions for the formation of students’ basic understanding of various types of financial fraud, the basic rules of financial security and sound financial behavior.

The Digital Financial Literacy project implies introduction of the developed materials and services into the educational process. The first meeting was held by Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office Aleksandr Koshkarov and involved the ASU rector and Sberbank experts.

During the lecture, a video competition was launched; it will run from October, 15 to November, 20. The goal is to visualize and disseminate useful knowledge about financial fraud through social engineering.

The event programme also included an award ceremony, where Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov and Executive Manager of the Astrakhan branch of Sberbank Roman Dubinsky handed certificates of honor to the professors and students of the university who participated in the development of the digital financial literacy course.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities