Astrakhan State University Discusses Caspian Security Issues

Astrakhan State University Discusses Caspian Security Issues

The ASU Boiling Point Center has hosted international scientific and applied conference “Issues of Caspian Macroregion’s Integrated Security”, organized by the Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies, UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” and Department of Social, Political and Economic Research of Eurasia & Orient.

The event, moderated by Director of the Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies and Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies Anna Romanova, is being held both online and offline.

The main points of the conference agenda are theoretical issues of security and societal, cultural, confessional and geopolitical security of the Caspian macroregion.

In his report, Konstantin Markelov focused on the Caspian region as a geopolitical space in the system of environmental security.

He stressed that the area of ​​the Caspian Sea is a self-sufficient natural and geographical region with a huge natural-resource and transport and logistics potential.

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