ASU Students Take Part in Tree Planting in Renewed Konovalov Square

ASU Students Take Part in Tree Planting in Renewed Konovalov Square

Most recently, the students have planted about fifty young coniferous trees together with the top officials of the region.

The garden square on Konovalov Street was renovated by the city authorities in 2021 as part of national project “Development of a Comfortable Urban Environment”. The space, which used to be in desolation, became a magnet for the residents of the Trusovsky district and students of the nearby ASU building.

The multifunctional playground includes a co-working area, a sporting and children’s playground, and a promenade area. Governor of the Astrakhan Region Igor Babushkin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Leonid Ogul and Head of the city Maria Permyakova took part in the improvement activities. Together with students and teachers of Astrakhan State University, the public representatives planted about fifty young conifers.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Source: materials from the press service of the administration of the City of Astrakhan municipal entity