Konstantin Markelov: The Year of 2021 Opened up Plenty of Opportunities for ASU Development

Konstantin Markelov: The Year of 2021 Opened up Plenty of Opportunities for ASU Development

The rector of Astrakhan State University held a press conference with representatives of the Astrakhan media. He told the reporters about the work done during the year, the university’s achievements, the projects implemented, and the plans for 2022.

“The calendar year that is drawing to a close has become successful for Astrakhan State University. The president of Russia declared it the Year of Science and Technology, which was a determining event for the entire scientific community. Thanks to this, the attitude towards young scientists has changed in the country: many drew attention to the fact that Russian universities can train specialists and produce an innovative product as well as their foreign colleagues,” said the rector to the journalists.

Konstantin Markelov told the media representatives about how Astrakhan State University is building its ties with partners, what trajectory it plans to further move forward, and how the university is going to change the educational process.

The rector answered all the journalists’ questions. The latter were interested in the support of young scientists. In addition, the representatives of the Astrakhan media could not ignore the topic of the merger of ASU and ASUACE. The journalists also asked the rector about the construction of the new nine-story dormitory. Another question was related to the preferences the university will receive from participation in the Priority 2030 programme.

The meeting participants discussed the importance of opening the Center for Education, Science and Technology of ASU at the Astrakhan Business Center in Baku, as well as the upcoming 90th anniversary of the university.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations