Schoolchildren’s View of ASU: Prospective Applicants Get Acquainted with the University

Schoolchildren’s View of ASU: Prospective Applicants Get Acquainted with the University

On January 14, ASU has organized a tour around the university for 10-th grade schoolchildren from Secondary School No. 74 of Astrakhan as part of the university career guidance project. The children visited the key locations of ASU and learned a lot of new things.

At the Boiling Point Center, Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee of Astrakhan State University Lyudmila Tovarnichenko told the young guests about the variety of areas of study at ASU, showed where they can find all the detailed and up-to-date information about the admission campaign on the official website of the university, and answered their questions about the admission. The prospective applicants received full information about the academic competitions and contests held by the university, and about the university preparatory courses in general subjects which will help them successfully pass the exams in the 11th grade. The children were shown the advantages of studying at ASU and the opportunities that may open up for them.

They learned about the life of students of our university from a vivid presentation film, after which the children were shown some structural units of the university.

Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations