Prospective Applicants Learn About Advantages of Studying at ASU

Prospective Applicants Learn About Advantages of Studying at ASU

On January 21, Astrakhan State University welcomed 10—11th-grade schoolchildren of Lyceum No. 3 and Secondary School No. 13 within the framework of the Schoolchildren’s View of ASU project. The children were told about the advantages of studying at our university and the opportunities that may open up for them.

The career guidance project of Astrakhan State University is being implemented by the Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission together with the faculties of the university which acquaint graduates of general education institutions with ASU.

Another meeting was opened by Head of the Directorate and Executive Secretary of the ASU Admissions Committee Lyudmila Tovarnichenko. She told the children about the advantages of studying at Astrakhan State University, and also answered topical questions regarding the 2022 admissions campaign.

Prospective applicants received full information about the academic competitions and contests held by the university, and about the university preparatory courses in general subjects which will help them successfully pass the exams in the 11th grade. The children were told about the variety of areas of training at ASU and got to know where to find all the detailed and up-to-date information about the 2022 admission campaign on the official website of the university.

The young guests learned about the ASU student life — socialization, sports events, scholarship support and scientific activities — from a vivid and vibrant film, made by the ASU Media studio.

The guys started their acquaintance with the main building from the Boiling Point Center, and then they were divided into groups and went on an exciting journey-excursion around the university.

Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations