ASU Resetting: Federal Expert Holds Workshop for University Staff

ASU Resetting: Federal Expert Holds Workshop for University Staff

Evgeny Szhonov, Scientific Director of the expert and analytical center “Scientific & Educational Policy”, is holding a strategic session with the management team that is implementing the 2030 Development Programme of Astrakhan State University.

The workshop on developing teamwork skills in terms of promoting ASU as an ambitious university, operating in line with modern trends, will be the first in a series of planned events, involving federal expert teams. Representatives of the Higher School of Economics, autonomous non-profit organization Russia — the Country of Opportunities and other organizations will assess the internal competencies of the management and teaching staff for Astrakhan colleagues, provide support in the individualization of educational programmes and modern organization of the system of additional education.

According to the expert of the Scientific & Educational Policy Evgeny Szhonov, ASU is a solid Russian university, located in a strategically significant region for the country, an important link in the Russian educational system, and is involved in many multi-level partnerships.

During the two-day workshop, representatives of the ASU management team divided into small groups and worked on formulating and further deepening the university’s KPIs in such areas as international activities, scientific cooperation, online education, youth policy, digitalization and external communications.

Evgeny Szhonov also drew special attention of his colleagues to the importance of working with new media, which can become an effective channel for promoting the university at the federal level.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations