Kamyzyak Teachers Are Impressed with Educational Opportunities of ASU

Kamyzyak Teachers Are Impressed with Educational Opportunities of ASU

A series of meetings of the university administration with representatives of the pedagogical community from the rural districts of Astrakhan Region is under way.

The programme of the visit of the Kamyzyak delegation included an extensive tour of Astrakhan State University. In addition, teachers visited the ASU dormitory and could assess the conditions in which rural applicants will live and study.

Providing students of rural district schools with complete information about the educational opportunities of Astrakhan State University is the main goal of such events. Speaking with the teachers, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov stressed that they have infallible authority among the schoolchildren and their parents, which means they can influence the choice of the children’s life path, including the choice of a university to enter.

The guests learned more about the possible ways of interaction between teachers and ASU, including the university program Rural Teacher, at a general meeting with the deans of all faculties, where everyone could determine the profile area of interest to him/her and discuss the issues of future cooperation with colleagues.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations