ASU Team Visits MSUFP

ASU Team Visits MSUFP

The purpose of the visit was to coordinate a joint project of Astrakhan State University and Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUFP) in the field of bioeconomics, bioindustry and biodesign.

The ASU representatives got acquainted with scientific and educational laboratories, a technology park and specialized departments of the partner university within the framework of their business programme.

The joint work will be focused on the implementation of new educational programmes for advanced training of specialists — networking master’s programmes.

The ASU delegation was also shown the SUPERFOOD TECHNOLOGY park — a new location at the university, meant for educational activities, development of entrepreneurial competencies, and research. This is a large project created at MSUFP under support of the Moscow Government.

During the visit, an agreement was reached to start implementing the joint master’s programmes as early as this year.

According to ASU Vice Rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov, it is important that our universities complement each other in the logic of the project. It is obvious that MSUFP is developing with the support of the industry, and new laboratories and spaces for collective use are being created.

A return visit of the MSUFP delegation to Astrakhan State University is scheduled for the second half of March.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Photo: Moscow State University of Food Production