ASU and MSUFP Will Train Nutriobiodesign and Bioeconomics Specialists Together

ASU and MSUFP Will Train Nutriobiodesign and Bioeconomics Specialists Together

Today, the rectors of Astrakhan State University and Moscow State University of Food Production have signed an agreement on opening a joint-degree master’s programme.

The prerequisites for inter-university cooperation were the presence of strong scientific schools in ASU and MGUPP, the research conducted in similar areas, and, of course, the infrastructure facilities.

Ex-Governor of Astrakhan Region, Chairman of the ASU Board of Overseers of ASU Alexander Zhilkin focused on the importance of the competencies, which undergraduates will acquire, for the modern labor market.

In order to acquaint prospective Master students in more detail with the field of activity in which they will plunge, ASU and MSUFP organized a series of lectures for students of natural sciences and economics. Sergey Suchkov, Head of the Department of Personalized Medicine, Precision Nutrition and Biodesign of MSUFP and the Vice President of the National Association for Laboratory, Personalized and Translational Medicine, told the audience about biodesign and translational research and development as a tool to re-equip the updated health care model.

MSUFP Rector Mikhail Balykhin explained that the curriculum of the new master's programme will be flexible, the matrix of subjects can be replenished or adjusted depending on their relevance.

The first enrollment for the new joint-degree master’s programmes at ASU and MSUFP is scheduled for 2022.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations