ASU Confirms Participation in Russian Exporting Universities Network Partnership

ASU Confirms Participation in Russian Exporting Universities Network Partnership

New projects within the framework of membership in the organization have been discussed during an online meeting organized at IPR MEDIA.

Now more than 60 Russian universities are connected with the network partnership relations within the Russian Exporting Universities. Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov signed the respective memorandum more than a year and a half ago. Throughout this time, ASU has been closely cooperating with IPR MEDIA.

Astrakhan State University was represented at the event by Vice-Rector for International Affairs Angelina Fadina, Head of the Directorate for International Affairs Ekaterina Shatokhina, Head of the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens Natalia Sannikova and her Deputy Maria Markina.

The colleagues held an active, detailed and productive discussion on the new concept of work of the Russian Exporting Universities network participants. During the online meeting, ASU representatives decided to participate in a number of events, the implementation of which will make a real contribution to increasing the competitiveness of educational programmes implemented by the university.

Directorate of International Activities