Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on the Day of Spring and Labour

Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on the Day of Spring and Labour

Dear staff members and students of Astrakhan State University, our colleagues from Russian and foreign universities, scientific and business partners! I wholeheartedly wish you a bright and joyful May Day.

This day is an eternal symbol of changes we connect our hopes for renewal with. The holiday of May 1 symbolizes the unity of the working people, stability and prosperity for us and our country.

Respect for human labour is the main guideline in our work. That is why on this day I want to congratulate my colleagues at ASU and thank them for their daily activities aimed at the well-being of the university. Thanks to you, Astrakhan State University is strengthening its position and becoming the flagship of higher education in the Caspian region.

My best wishes to our good friends — scientists and managers, entrepreneurs and teachers. On this day, the sun equally warms all the countries of the Earth with spring warmth, and I am sure that the same values ​​are close to people in each of them. We are unison in focusing on productive work, on good, mutually beneficial partnership for the benefit of our cities and countries, which means that this is our common holiday.

Let your May Day be associated with warm sunny days, outdoor recreation and happiness from spending time with loved ones. I wish you peace, kindness, good health and prosperity.

Happy May Day!

Konstantin Markelov,

Rector of Astrakhan State University