ASU Initiates Establishment of a Consortium for Combating Desertification

ASU Initiates Establishment of a Consortium for Combating Desertification

Universities and scientific organizations will unite to combat soil degradation at the 2nd international scientific forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, which is taking place on May 22-24 in Astrakhan.

Land desertification is a global challenge. The scale and rate of soil degradation in Russia is also significant, and areas of increased environmental stress are expanding.

In order to form a science-based concept of soil protection and prevention of desertification using new technologies for soil restoration, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation, Astrakhan State University initiated the establishment of a consortium of educational organizations of higher education and scientific organizations in the field of combat with desertification and soil degradation within the framework of the Priority 2030 programme.

Establishment of such an association was supported by the heads of nine scientific and educational organizations representing the entities of the Southern, Central and Volga Federal Districts. Its goal will be to conduct joint research on desertification and soil degradation, the development and implementation of technologies aimed at combating these phenomena.

Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences