ASU Professors Are Experts at UNESCO Associated Schools Conference

ASU Professors Are Experts at UNESCO Associated Schools Conference

The ceremony of awarding the winners of The World Around Us all-Russian research and practice project was held at Gymnasium No.4 of Astrakhan. About 90 schoolchildren from 19 regions of Russia took part in the conference.

The event was supported of the Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan Region, the International UNESCO Chair of the TISBI University of Management, Kazan, the UNESCO Chair of Astrakhan State University and Gymnasium No.4 of Astrakhan.

The ceremony was held by Elena Maksimova, Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Recruitment, responsible for the implementation of the activities of the UNESCO Chair “Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” of ASU.

Director of Gymnasium No. 4 Tatyana Lendova thanked the conference participants, the teachers who assisted the schoolchildren in the development of their projects, as well as the parents who supported their children in their endeavors. She also noted the great contribution of the head of the UNESCO Chair “Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development”, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, and university professors to the successful implementation of the project, commending their active work with a letter of gratitude.

Directorate of International Activities