Forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” Is Officially Open

Forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” Is Officially Open

The ceremony, held at Astrakhan State University, brought together representatives of higher education, regional and federal authorities, the business community and media.

The forum is aimed at addressing such important tasks as the creation of a global innovation and scientific space and the integration of the Caspian and Central Asia countries into it.

The event was officially opened by Astrakhan Governor Igor Babushkin. According to him, Forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” is a unique project of Astrakhan Region which demonstrates our openness to the transfer of new innovations, a step towards addressing the urgent issues the region and the whole country are facing.

In his speech, Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov emphasized that the forum had been actually going on for the second day, and the day before a large number of events related to the youth agenda were held at its venues. The students who took part confirmed the idea about the need for such communication.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations, press center of the governor