Lyudmila Baeva Is a Member of the 8th Russian Philosophical Congress Organizing Committee

Lyudmila Baeva Is a Member of the 8th Russian Philosophical Congress Organizing Committee

The Vice-Rector for Research Activities of Astrakhan State University is a co-moderator of the Philosophical Anthropology section and a member of the Presidium of the Federal Education & Methodology Association for Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies.

The 8th Russian Philosophical Congress “Philosophy in a Polycentric World. For the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of A.A. Zinoviev” is held at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

The following sets of issues were submitted for discussion:

  • current issues of history and theory of philosophy;
  • philosophical dimensions of the modern polycentric world;
  • philosophy and society, professional and civic responsibility of a modern philosopher;
  • modern philosophy in Russia: state and development prospects;
  • national philosophy and issues of Russia’s civilizational development;
  • philosophy in Russia’s education: challenges and ways to address them.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Photo: courtesy of L.V. Baeva