Outcomes of the Forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” Are Summed Up

Outcomes of the Forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” Are Summed Up

The resolution says that the event has become an important international platform for discussing issues of strengthening Russia’s position in the Caspian Sea region, developing cooperation between the Caspian countries in science, technology, education and culture.

The organizers express their confidence that the increase in scientific, educational, economic, and humanitarian cooperation between the countries and peoples of the unique geostrategic macroregion of the Caspian Sea will contribute to its sustainability on a global and regional scale.

“The result of joint work should be a constructive dialogue between representatives of various spheres of the academic, educational and business communities and the development of common approaches in addressing urgent issues of the Caspian sustainable development, taking into account new social, economic, technological challenges and the current situation with international cooperation,” the resolution says.

48 on-site events were held within the forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories”. Online broadcasts from the venues hit about 9,800 views. The number of forum participants was almost 1,500 people, and more than 8,500 Astrakhan residents and guests of the city took part in the Caspian Wind youth concert programme on the Volga River embankment.

The Consortium of Educational Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Organizations of Astrakhan Region, which ensures the implementation of its organizational, expert and analytical programmes, played a significant role in organizing and holding the forum events.

The full text of the resolution and the insights of the forum (in Russian)

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations