ASU Students Take Part in University 20.35 Workshop

ASU Students Take Part in University 20.35 Workshop

Our university was represented by five project teams, participating in the scientific and educational project. Throughout the course, the work of young people was supervised by mentors for project activities of the university. The teams completed missions, took part in the Hackathon and applied for the Expert Channel meeting.

The workshop teams were formed in February 2022. The organizer of the accelerated training of the students was Nuria Zinalieva, the Head of the Center for Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support.

The teams independently made their own schedule, choosing face-to-face and online activities that were useful in the process of creating the project and allowed them to acquire applied skills and knowledge. Participants developed their initiatives on the University 20.35 platform using remote interaction tools.

In addition, the entire educational process was accompanied by the collection and analysis of a digital footprint which allowed the recommender system of the University 20.35 to suggest relevant content to the participants.

At the end of the workshops, the students presented their developments to other teams and experts in modern technologies. In the future, the teams plan to keep developing projects by submitting applications for various competitions.

Center for Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support