Teambuilding Workshop Is Organized for ASU Presidential Program Students

Teambuilding Workshop Is Organized for ASU Presidential Program Students

A workshop on teambuilding in management activities has been held at the office of the Astrakhan regional commission for the training of managerial HR for organizations of Russian economy.

The event was organized for the new group of students, who have already passed the competitive selection and will begin their studies at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University under the professional retraining programme in business management and healthcare management in September 2022.

The workshop was conducted by Olga Armanskaya, a soft skills coach and a graduate of the presidential management training programme in management in education in 2015.

The objectives of this workshop were achieved — the teamwork united all its participants, they realized the importance of coordinated actions to increase the efficiency of both individual and group professional activities, as internal communications improved and loyalty increased.

The students completed a number of interesting, creative tasks, and made joint creative decisions. All this increased the efficiency and discipline of team activities and reduced the risk of critical errors, because each team member felt responsible for the final result.

The presidential programme students noted that this workshop taught each participant to fulfill their role in the complex mechanism of a modern team and gave them the opportunity to take on different roles, if necessary, moving towards common success.

Center for Assessment, Development of Managerial Competences and Career Planning