A Caspian Security Monitoring Center Will Appear at ASU by 2030

A Caspian Security Monitoring Center Will Appear at ASU by 2030

A large multi-component work, involving both scientific and educational activities, is being carried out at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University as part of the strategic project “Developing the System of Integrated (Societal) Security of the Caspian Macro-Region (Greater Caspian Region)” of the Priority 2030 programme.

According to the strategic project leader Anna Romanova, Doctor of Philosophy and the Director of the Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies, integrated security in this context means the security of the territory of a region which takes into account a whole range of factors, including the sociopolitical situation, economic and environmental components. The main objective of the project is both create a Caspian Security Monitoring Center by 2030 and transform the educational environment to meet the needs of the region.

The work is carried out in close collaboration with Kazakh universities that are members of the Association of State Universities and Research Centers of the Caspian Region Countries. Qualitative sociological research in the form of focus groups was conducted among volunteering students from the Caspian states.

The ASU team has also established partnerships with the Astrakhan Regional Management Center and receives data from there for analytical processing.

The work on the strategic project also implies the expansion of the set of educational programmes that train specialists in the field of security.

Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations