ASU Students Share Their Impressions of Sirius Summer School Programme

ASU Students Share Their Impressions of Sirius Summer School Programme

Angelina Melnikova and Anna Danilova, students of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, shared their emotions and experience of working with children.

Earlier, we already wrote that Anna Danilova, a fourth-year student with the major in pedagogical education (profiles Mathematics and Informatics) passed the competitive selection for the programme. Then a trip to Sirius was won by another student of the same major Angelina Melnikova. Having successfully completed the course, the girls gained new experience and knowledge, which they are ready to talk about.

During the training, the programme participants analyzed real teaching cases that they faced during their job placement. The students discussed problem solving with each other, after which they listened to the expert opinions of successful teachers and mathematicians, for example, Executive Director of the Moscow Center for Extended Mathematical Education Ivan Yashchenko, Director of the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 (St. Petersburg) Maksim Pratusevich and Director of the Institute of Pedagogy, St. Petersburg State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education Elena Kazakova.

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Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Technology