Konstantin Markelov: “SU Is a Unifying Center for Research in Logistics”

Konstantin Markelov: “SU Is a Unifying Center for Research in Logistics”

The rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University took part in the work of the Caspian Interregional Conference on Foreign Economic Activity. It has opened today in Astrakhan.

The event is organized by the Russian Association of Exporters and Importers, whose representatives visited ASU this week and discussed areas of potential cooperation between the university and the organization.

Konstantin Markelov opened the meeting of the first section of the event, dedicated to discussing the functioning of the North-South International Transport Corridor.

In particular, Astrakhan State University, according to Konstantin Markelov, heading the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions, combines the scientific potential of capital and regional scientists in addressing the issues of digitalization of the North-South ITC. A respective strategic project is being implemented by the university within the framework of the Priority 2030 programme and has already received significant results. In particular, it became the winner according to the results of voting by experts and participants in the Archipelago 2022 scientific and educational workshop, held this July in Sevastopol.

“The project is aimed at creating a domestic digital solution consisting of several hierarchical levels: from modeling transportation between cities to designing logistics operations in a specific infrastructure facility, such as a port. Thus, we have created a large-scale interdisciplinary and interuniversity (network) area of ​​research,” explained Konstantin Markelov.

Students and teachers of various fields are involved in the process of developing the platform: economists, mathematicians, programmers, lawyers. Such an association makes it possible to form interdisciplinary competencies, soft skills in students and prepare competitive graduates to address the challenges the region faces.

In their turn, representatives of the Association of Exporters and Importers took the initiative to support ASU projects at the expert level.

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