ASU Learns the Fundamentals of Protocol under the Guidance of Nadezhda Seryakova

ASU Learns the Fundamentals of Protocol under the Guidance of Nadezhda Seryakova

An outstanding expert in business communications etiquette conducted a series of master classes for teachers of additional professional education and students of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

Having made a tour of the university, the guest spoke enthusiastically about the interior, technical support and opportunities that open up for teachers.

The meeting was held in the form of communication with the audience, and it was important for the speaker not only to convey information, but also to discuss it with those present. The concepts of ‘protocol’ and ‘etiquette’, as well as the basics of organizing protocol events, were analyzed. The audience learned about the rules of conduct at the table and the dress code. They even got the opportunity to analyze errors in the ceremony on video fragments. The speaker told the audience about interesting cases from her practice and the ways she learned to get out of difficult situations.

On the same day, Nadezhda Seryakova held another master class at the ASU Boiling Point Center on the technique of effective business communications, involving students of the Faculty of Law.

At the master class, Nadezhda Seryakova also spoke with the audience about the manifestation of emotions in business correspondence and legal letters and emphasized the peculiarities of communication with representatives of different countries.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations