ASU and Technopark Fabrika Jointly Open a 2F Startup Studio

ASU and Technopark Fabrika Jointly Open a 2F Startup Studio

The solemn event, held in My Business Center, was attended by entrepreneurs of the city and the region, representatives of authorities, employees and students of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

Director of Fabrika Technopark Evgeny Sutkovoy and ASU Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov spoke at the event about the stages of implementing the initiative and explained how the work in the startup studio will be organized. The plans of the studio leaders are to release about 20–30 startup projects and 10–15 startups per year.

Egor Ugarov, Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan Region, reminded the audience that he had previously been the head of the technology transfer center at Astrakhan State University, and now he is pleased to see the establishment of a new structure that will help solve existing problems, as well as contribute to the training of personnel for the region.

Then the meeting participants had the opportunity to ask questions. For example, they were interested in whether students from other cities and countries would be able to work in a startup studio. The speakers answered that anyone with their own idea can apply to the studio – for this, it is not even necessary to be a student.

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