Rector Konstantin Markelov Opens a Sport Contest Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of ASU

Rector Konstantin Markelov Opens a Sport Contest Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of ASU

The first event of the championship, organized in honor of the anniversary of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, was a swimming competition.

Participants, students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the city, gathered in the pool of the university. All teams were determined to win, because the most loyal fans came to support them.

Eight teams took part in the swimming competition among boys and girls. Among them are five teams of universities and three – of secondary specialized colleges. Participants swam a distance of 50 meters freestyle and also tried their hand at the relay.

According to the results of the swim, the places between the young men were distributed as follows:

1st place – Astrakhan State Technical University;

2nd place – College of Astrakhan State Technical University;

3rd place – Astrakhan State University.

Among the girls, the following teams took prizes:

1st place – Astrakhan State Technical University;

2nd place – Astrakhan Social and Pedagogical College;

3rd place – Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Competitions in volleyball among girls’ teams and mini-football among boys’ teams have started as early as this week. They will last until October 27.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

School of Sports, Physical Development and Healthy Lifestyle